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1/48 Great Wall P-61A Black Widow ; In Progress

August 17, 2013 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.6K

Finally Lady Gen finished. You can see some more pictures of the finished model from Work in Progress aircraft section.
Expanded version will be posted here later.
Happy modelling

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

13 responses

  1. Beauty! It's great to have been made and painted!

    Best regards, Vlad.

  2. Another fine build, Tolga...I'll be curious to see the "expanded version" and read the story behind the removal of the turret (unless the 'A' didn't have one).

  3. Most Excellent! I really like your attention to detail in the building of your models and love the final paint finish on this 'Widow.

  4. great work from a master

  5. Didn't need to see the name under the photo to know who's build it was. Another beauty.

  6. What else is there to say? It's really very good.

  7. Tolga,
    This is absolutely stunning. I really admire your skill and attention to detail.

  8. I just saw this fine model. Somehow I just missed it in August. It is a beautifully built plane Tolga. Congratulations!

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