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Rob Anderson
204 articles

And after a period of no production for moving... DD441 continues

August 24, 2013 · in Ships · · 6 · 1K

So back in full swing on my Wilkes project and thought I would post an update, starting to add PE and all the little parts, I am especially happy with how my dual 40mm tubs turned out, scratchbuilt them from quad 40s and Gold Medal PE.

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2  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Outstanding build so far, Rob...very nice work.

  2. beautiful...what a huge bootstripe

  3. Are you looking at the large band of color? If so it is not a bootstripe it is the measure 22 cammo, grey and navy blue, the boot stripe is a thin line between the red and blue. 🙂

  4. Very impressed & sure I will be even more so when it is done.

  5. Thanks guys, I will be glad to see her done, but she has been a fun build. The deck decals gave me fits though, lots of silvering despite a pre coat of Future, micro sol, and more Future, I would go aftermarket decals for walkways next time. Dragon's decals on all their kits can be problematic.

  6. Nice work, ship modeling has come a long way since the Revell "S" kits. But the cost of the plastic ship kits has gone through the roof but you get what you pay for. I look forward to your application of the PE railings, they can "make or break" the model. Continued success on this project!

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