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Tony Prince
97 articles

F-80C Shooting Star in 1/32 Czech Model.

August 27, 2013 · in Aviation · · 14 · 3.3K

I am very fortunate to have a well trained son who shares my interest in model aircraft, to the extent that he buys me a kit from time to time for my birthdays. This one's from two years ago.

Like a few other well known aircraft from the Korean War era kits of the are pretty hard to find. The only other one I know of in the larger scales being the Monogram one in 1/48, which may still be found if you look hard.

Anyway, the kit is excellent with the proviso that it needs a bit of fettling here & there as one would expect in a short run kit. I enjoyed every minute of this build!

Hope you like it.


Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Very sharp-lookin' build, Tony...fantastic job there.

  2. Tony,
    This is magnificent. Your skills really show up here. I have always loved this airplane for it simple beauty. I have this kit and have hesitated to start it but yours make me want to reconsider. Hobby Boss has a P-80a out now and I understand they are supposed to do a "C". Both in 1/48. I just went back and looked at all your other articles and You have a fan in me. I really like your work. The Banshee is gorgeous. I hope Tom has the straight scoop on a new 1/48 Banshee due to come out.

  3. Very subtle finish, Tony, and nicely photographed, the metallic finish shows up well.

  4. Terrific job on an iffy kit

    Very good job you have done!

  6. That is just really pretty! Very nice work.

  7. Wicked good metal finish! Nice job.

  8. This kit is easy on the eyes. My only niggle is that there aren't anymore photos. Perhaps at ground level and of the underside of the kit.

    Two Thumbs and "I like it."

  9. Wow, I really liked it!

  10. very fine job

  11. Wow...your fit and finish are just outstanding. Metal finishes can be difficult, but yours is one of the most realistic I've seen.

  12. It needs a bit more than "fettling" to get it to look this nice Michael. I speak from experience. Took some talent. That kit is Not Easy.

  13. Hey Tony, In the immortal words of McKenzie Brothers "Jeez, it's a beauty eh!" I've started and stopped this kit a few time now- you done good here.

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