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Joe Caputo
154 articles

1/48 ESCI North American FJ-2/3 Fury

September 20, 2013 · in Aviation · · 14 · 4.1K

I had this one sitting around for centuries, before I decided to build it. My stash had to start somewhere, so I chose the oldest one first. Most people, it seems, did not like the version. I don't know how accurate or inaccurate it is, but it looks like a Fury (also a blue Sabre with a tailhook) to me, and I enjoyed the build. Don't forget, for a long time it was the only game in town. I'm looking forward to building a couple of the others one day, so I can compare them sitting next to each other.

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14 responses

  1. As far as Furies go, it is closest to an FJ-2, and pretty inaccurate for an FJ-3 (for things like deeper intake and fuselage changes, clamshell canopy, etc.) Like you say, it is the only game in town. I have seen it done by crazy people who spent a year doing a virtual scratchbuild/conversion to correct it. It would be nice to see a new one done right, but the fact is 50s jets that didn't fire their guns don't sell (Paul Fisher has gone through two runs each of his F9F-2 and F9F-5 Panthers, is still on the original stock for the F9F-8 and has sold maybe 40 of the F9F-8T - his Cutlass and Skyray have been disappointments - it's unlikely we will see further 50 jets from Fishermodels. Kittyhawk has found far better sales from the modern jets they've released, with the F-94C everyone and his brother said they wanted to have, sitting there).

    If you look at the history of kits that were released as a result of scoring high on modeler's polls (the Monogram Ju-52 and PBY come to mind) that turn into shelf-sitters, it's amazing any model company pays the slightest attention to the blatherings of modelers on internet forums. 🙂

  2. In answer to the question, "Why did Revell release another 109?" The answer is: "It's sold out." Money talks, gentlemen. Occasionally it swears.

    • If your referring to the recent release of the 1/32nd Me-109. One,great value for the money being spent at.26.00 odd U.S. dollars. Two,several tail options, cowling options and wing options. Three a endless choice of decal options and paint schemes with details that are approaching the quality of Hasegawa using the business model of the old Monogram kits. Think P-38. Not only does it swear but, its biblical in response.OMG.

  3. Great work, Joe! I passed on buying this kit a few years ago, and after seeing your build, I wish I hadn't. And you're right - in 1/48 scale, it's the only choice we have.

  4. Hey Joe- "Where you going with that Fury in your hands?"...Sorry, I just could resist! I love the finish on this model, it's like Sky Raiders, they just look better in blue!

  5. Nice Fury Joe! You did a great job on her.

  6. Have any of you any experience with the Grand Phoenix FJ-4B Fury in 1/48? I bought one last year at King's Hobby in Austin on their bargain table. All the parts were there but no instructions. Someone sent me a copy of theirs so I have all I need I think. It looks like a challenging job though. Any opinions/advice? Thanks.

  7. Sorry, guys, but we have to have another musical pun - "Can white men paint the blues?", please accept my apologies, but the answer is surely a resounding 'yes' in this case. Nice job, Joe.

  8. Always a fan of the Sabre Jet, no matter what service flew it (looks better in naval blue than AF silver dope). Nice clean build.

  9. Joe,

    Aside from the fact that the kit is so incorrect you have done a great job on this. No matter what you do with this unless you make it your life's work, this will still be an F-86 with a hook. You are right, It is, almost, the only game in town.

    I am currently building this kit for a guy and he is aware of it's fault but does not care. I also have the resin "Collect-Aire" kit that I have dusted off. I am going to try to combine them and see how close I can get to an FJ-3.

    When I was on the BHR, Alex Vraciu was the CO of VF-51 flying these.

  10. Hi Joe @konda24. Just came across your build. I love your job, it's a beautiful model. I'm neither experten nor rivet counter and I don't mind so much for accuracy issues, if any (though I strongly believe a model must be researched sufficiently before desingning and molding).
    Your bird sure looks like a Fury and is a joy to watch.
    All the best!

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