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Joe Caputo
154 articles

1/48 Glencoe Spad XIIIC.1

September 11, 2013 · in Aviation · · 8 · 3.4K

This has to be a re-issue of a re-issue, etc. Copyright on the instructions reads "1995". The best part of the kit is the "invisa-clear" Scale-Master decals. This was another 20+ part kit that I built because it looked like fun. Sitting on the shelf amongst it's WWII and newer combat aircraft, you really get an idea how tiny these were. isn't exactly state-of-the-art, and as is the case with most WWI Glencoe models, there is no detail on the underside of the wings. Other than that, it's passable for it's age.

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4  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. It's the old Aurora SPAD XIII, released circa 1957-58, IIRC. The decals are the best part of the kit, and are the only way I know of to do Allied
    Ace of Aces Rene Fonck's airplane, which you have done. The Eduard SPAD XIII is the best 1/48 kit. It's always SPAD, too, because it's an acronym: Society for the Production of Aircraft designed by Deperdussin (in English), although Deperdussin was long out of the picture by the time the SPADs came along.

    Nice work on the old kit.

  2. Yeah, what Tom said. A re-issue of the classic Aurora Spad only with mold improvements. I believe Glencoe re-issued two versions of this kit, one for French aces and one for American aces. Both come with pretty extensive decal sheets. Sure, it may not have the finesse of the Eduard or DML Spads, but those Aurora WWI warbirds all build up very nicely. The only real bad Spad that I know of is the old Hawk/Testors issue, that one is best left in the box. Anyway, another nice one Joe.

  3. Nice one Joe.
    An oldie you say, with not many parts.
    And as you said Joe , fun to build, and that`s what it is all about.

  4. It looks nice from here, Joe, I can't under the wings! How did you do the rigging, is part of the kit?

  5. Sorry, guys, I meant to say that I can't see under the wings!

  6. Joe,
    Looks good to me. For me, one of the all time good lookers for WWI was the SPAD.

  7. Kudos to ya, Joe...personally, I shy away from anything with two wings and rigging. BTW, what's with the red star...?

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