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Richard Mcstay
61 articles

Yamaha YZF R1

September 24, 2013 · in Automotive · · 14 · 2.4K

Hi everyone, this is my R1. It's a 1:12 kit, and the kit had been sat in my wardrobe still in the box for about ten years! It was originally the Taira racing kit but I haven't really followed the colour scheme. I managed to get the original model R1 decals from E-bay as well.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Stark beauty..! Love that camo (?) - was that an original 'stock' color offering from the manufacturer?

  2. Richard,
    A wild looking machine. Just sitting there it looks fast. Great job.

  3. Cool bike, cool model. Nice finish on this, Richard, and some very nice detail touches, and it's road legal!

    • Cheers George. It's my first attempt at one so I'm not quite at your standards, I know where the faults are! It would pass an MOT if I put the indicators and mirrors back on I think!

  4. It's against the rules to post pictures of a Real One here, I don't care how you photoshop it to make it look like it's sitting on a shelf. 🙂

  5. Mate you've done a cracking good job on this bike, how did you get the discolouration on the exhaust pipe it looks great.

    • Cheers mate, thanks very much. I used a tamiya exhaust weathering kit. You get an orange, blue and black powder which is water soluble. There about a fiver from Amazon or Ebay and there's a nice demonstration video on Youtube.

  6. Very nice. Good to see it hasn't been laid down yet...

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