Yet more old Monogram builds

September 7, 2013 · in Aviation · · 17 · 1.6K

To join in on the trip down memory lane here are a few of my old models, all were completed between 25 and 30 years ago.

Eric aka The Yankymodeler

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3  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. These look like they could have been finished yesterday. All of them reflect a talented builder.

  2. Nice stable of planes. I thought I was the only one to use a lable gun to identify my aircraft! Great selection, all clean builds.

  3. Well done, Erich. Nothing wrong with "the good, ol' days" !

  4. the Starfighter and the Hellcat...AWESOME!

  5. Erich,
    These are absolutely stunning. I have to agree, they look like they were done yesterday. You have amazing talent.

  6. Eric, Great trip down memory lane! I especially like the P-38 and the Hurricane as I built a lot of those kits as a kid.

  7. Monogram-o-mania! I think I have a little e-baying to do.

  8. fine work...that f4 u looks like you did a lot of changes...beautiful work

  9. Wow! Thank all for your kind comments! These models are fortunate to be housed in inclosed display cases which accounts for their condition. I think Monogram has produced through the year some pretty good kits, with accurate outlines and shapes that with a little modelling work can result in nice models.
    These pictures bring back a simpler time and a lot of great memories building these models across the desk from my dad.

  10. Fantastic work, Eric, and like the others have said, they look as though they were finished yesterday. You obviously really care for your models.

  11. Beautiful proof that Monogram models make excellent planes. Eric, you've done a great job on these birds. Bravo sir!

  12. Thanks again guys! I added a couple of pics of the model room at my dad's house. This is the place of many happy memories for me and where most of the vintage Monogram kits are displayed.

  13. Great builds! Nice man cave, especially the picture of you (?) under the PC!
    or is that your Dad?

  14. Lovely work on those GREAT old Monogram kits. I want to come hang out in that room for a while!

  15. Great Modelers Man Cave; and great Builds!

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