Revell 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf-109 G-10/U2
This is another kit from days of yore ! Anyone remember the "Big Toy Box at Sears"? That's where I picked it up loooong ago.
The instruction sheet says "1978 by Revell". The instruction sheet is one page of "directions" (for all 37 parts) and one page showing decal placement and paint. It's been so long I don't remember whose scheme I did, but it's not from the kit. I thought, at the time, it was a nice looking build, and it still isn't bad for it's age.
Nice job on that Joe. What did you use to fill in the panel lines with?
Looks good Joe. Did you spray or brush paint. Either way it came out well.
Thanks, guys, This one is strictly OOB. Panel ines are just the way they came, and it was brush painted. I thought it was a decent looking kit for 70's vintage.
Looks great Joe. I have a few kits from that era to build and hope they turn out that well. Nice work with brush painting.
That kit was just great, I wonder though why it was such an isolated phenomenon! Finely recessed panel lines, accurate, nice clear parts and well detailed wheels. And a very attractive price tag... What more is there to ask for? Models released both before and after this one was to the usual (and rather low...) standards!
I do have a nagging suspicion that the fuselage decals are from another model. I think those are for a 109E. Check the boxart on the old Matchbox 1/32 kit of the E and you'll know what I mean
Thanks for showing!
Best regards
A lovely BF there Joe, brush painted as well , an art form which seems to be disappearing nowadays.
A kit from the past that shows that even then companies could make a decent kit!
Well done as usual Joe.
Nice, Joe.
Nice story, nice kit, nice build and finish. Merry Christmas, Joe.
looks like a very fine model all the way around
This looks great. Very nice job on this. I agree with the others that it is a shame that so many of the kits now a days are so expensive when in fact, as with this one, there were some that were very nice and at a reasonable price. You did a great job on this one.
its not the model that makes the modeler, but the modeler that makes the model - great looking 109, Joe!
Thank you all . Granted, this build was from ages ago, but from what I remember, I enjoyed doing it, and the finished product. I believe it cost about $2.50 back then, which in today's dollars/quality is about a $16-18 model. I have to ask myself, do I need a model of the same thing with 800 parts, pe, resin, etc., for $60+ ? Do I really enjoy putting that much itime, effort and capital into my subjects? I guess it's just me showing my age, but I don't want to spend so much time on a subject that I become bored with it, and lose track of what interested me in it, in the first place. I envy the guys that can put out a jewel in a week or two, but that's not me, or most of us. On the other hand, I couldn't stand to be the guy that puts out one museum piece a year. Different strokes, etc., but I would enjoy more choices at "my" end of the price/quality range, so I, and others, could enjoy builds like this one.