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Sopwith Snipe, pilot Sapozhnikov. Ace of civil war.
Sincerely, Vlad.
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Beautiful Korolev , just beautiful. I cannot find ant other words to describe it. Excellant.
Simon, thank you!
Best regards, Vlad.
Koto lev, This is not only beautifully done it is a masterpiece of your skill. It is amazing the detail you have put into this very tiny model. I truly applaud you.
Frank, thank you!
quote: Koto lev.
According to Russian it sounds like: a CAT LION.
Sincerely, Vlad Korolev.
Korolev, I apologize for misspelling your name. I obviously hit the wrong keys and did not proof read what I wrote.
that's a real little gem...beautiful pit and wood work
Vlad, 1/72 ? Are you kidding? That is beautiful ! It's hard to find that kind of craftsmanship in 1/48. Hats off to you ! Well done !
an underappreciated genre
Colleagues, thank you!
Do not forget to watch my other work!
It's gorgeous, Vlad, I can't believe it's 1/72 scale.
George, thank you! 1/72 scale is my favorite. Probably because I have a small house and a large family.
That's really nice, Vlad. Having had a fight with a Toko kit once, yours is a real victory of talent over matter.
Tom, thank you!
I grew up on the models NOVO (FROG produced in the USSR) so TOKO is not so difficult for me.
Beautiful job on the propeller and the wood struts, it makes this model stand out!
Mike, thank you!
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Beautiful Korolev , just beautiful. I cannot find ant other words to describe it.
Simon, thank you!
Best regards, Vlad.
Koto lev,
This is not only beautifully done it is a masterpiece of your skill. It is amazing the detail you have put into this very tiny model. I truly applaud you.
Frank, thank you!
quote: Koto lev.
According to Russian it sounds like: a CAT LION.
Sincerely, Vlad Korolev.
I apologize for misspelling your name. I obviously hit the wrong keys and did not proof read what I wrote.
that's a real little gem...beautiful pit and wood work
Vlad, 1/72 ? Are you kidding? That is beautiful ! It's hard to find that kind of craftsmanship in 1/48. Hats off to you ! Well done !
an underappreciated genre
Colleagues, thank you!
Do not forget to watch my other work!
Best regards, Vlad.
It's gorgeous, Vlad, I can't believe it's 1/72 scale.
George, thank you!
1/72 scale is my favorite. Probably because I have a small house and a large family.
Best regards, Vlad.
That's really nice, Vlad. Having had a fight with a Toko kit once, yours is a real victory of talent over matter.
Tom, thank you!
I grew up on the models NOVO (FROG produced in the USSR) so TOKO is not so difficult for me.
Best regards, Vlad.
Beautiful job on the propeller and the wood struts, it makes this model stand out!
Mike, thank you!
Best regards, Vlad.