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Randy Guenin
2 articles

What do you get when you cross old hood orniments with 50's Aircraft Technology?

December 18, 2013 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.2K

The Car companies of the 50's all tried hard to cash in on the lightning advances in Aviation. Chevy, Ford and especially Oldsmobile came up with some fantastic basic designs.

A little work in photo shop, a new history and you have a bunch of What If Aircraft.

In this Universe the Japanese and Germans didn't have to surrender unconditionally.

That left a lot of power in the area. Japan, Russia and the US were looking over the Pacific. In Europe Russia was the main threat but our former WWII Allies came up with some clever designs as well.

The rules I followed in photo shop were to not do any extreme changes to the original hood orniment. The design has to make sense. It's an ongoing project but

I thought you guys would appreciate the idea.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Man I must be old, I recall hood orniments on cars that looked like aircraft and rockets. Clever "interpetation" of these chromium eye catchers, nice concept.

  2. Very imaginative.

  3. Cool.
    What can you do with a Cadillac bumper?

  4. I like it. 🙂 I love the aerial shot best! Thanks for the inspiration Randy!

  5. Definitley different there Randy, great ideas of " What if`s"

  6. I do remember a couple of those ornaments, thank you, really great!

  7. Nice idea! I especially like the Snecma C250.

    • If you look it up there was a French Company called Snecma in the 50's and they did try and develop a jet using a round wing setup. I'm sure there are some pictures of the thing floating around on the net somewhere.

  8. Randy,
    Love looking at these. You are indeed very imaginative and clever with photo shop.

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