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Hans Peter Tschanz
94 articles

SWISS AIR FORCE Hawker F Mk 58/58 A „Hunter“

February 17, 2014 · in Aviation · · 11 · 4.1K

Hawker Hunter F.58. Squadron 20, Swiss Air Force,
Mollis Air Base, 1993.
Kit: 1:32

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Nice, clean build.

  2. beautiful build of a beautiful aircraft,well done.

  3. Classic plane well build and finished.
    Looks really nice.
    Well done Hans.

  4. Great build Hans. The Mavericks add some interest too. What paints did you use?

    • Hey Michael,
      i used the following Colors.
      Upper side
      Humbrol Dark Green 164 Humbrol Dark Grey 164
      Lower side
      Model Master Alu 1401
      Model Master With Signal 1745.
      Coating with Airbrush 2/3 Gloscote Model Master 1/3 Flat Clear Model Master.
      Best Regards Hans Peter

  5. One of my favorite designs...very nice job, sir.

  6. Love the Swiss build with the mavericks, wish the kit I bought had them, never the less great build

  7. Hans,
    Very, very, nice. I love the scheme. Great airplane no matter what scheme. You have done a wonderful job on this.

  8. A classic kit of classic airplane done to perfection. Some strong work on the painting and decaling. The Mavericks make the subject more interesting...were the Swiss the only operators of the Hunters to use them?

    My only niggle is that the photo's are a little dark and I can't see the model in person.

    Two thumbs up on this build.

  9. I love it, Hans, lovely looking model of a classic aircraft.

  10. Hans Peter, beautiful build on one of my favorite aircraft. It looks like the camo scheme is very like the RAF. Interesting markings. A super job, thanks for posting!

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