Me 262A-2b 2/Kg51 1/32 Trumpeter
Much has been written about the Me 262, and almost as much has been written about Trumpeter Models! Just about evrything I've read about the Big T's Me 262 have been positive, and after having built this kit I'll add my praise to the chorus.It is likely the best large scale kit they had done up to that point and is well detailed, easy to build and very accurate. I especially like that they got away from some of the gimmicky metal hinges, but they still included the (very nice) rubber tires and excessive detaisl that really can't be seen unless you use the clear engine nacelles and a clear fuse...(oh wait...they did release that one...) I only added a harness and wiring to the Mk108 guns in the nose. I did leave out the extra interior parts in the rear fuse and a few engine parts.
I enjoy the building of kits but also researching color schemes and histories of thses aircraft. This bird was built to represent a turbo from 2/Jg51 Edelweisse at Rheine in late1944. This group, a direct decendent of Komando Schenk, was involved in regular bombing attacks in northern Europe, with noteworthy attacks made on the strategic Nijmegan and Remagen bridges. The high speed and tactics used by the pilots of Kg51 rendered the standing fighter patrols and anti-aircraft defenses ineffective. Ultimately a number of bomber units were converted to the 262, but were mainly used for interception of the Allied bomber streams that were reducing Germany to a pile of rubble.
I have Tamiya's 262A-2b kit in my stash and found the very unusual scheme seen here, basically RLM 81/82/76 with the 81 applies in a loose "Wave-Mirror" scheme. I used Testors MM paints throughout. From my research the torque link on the nose gear was not present on the earlier birds so I cut it off of the metal gear in the kit. I have to say that the inclusion of the metal gear parts is Much appreciated, the kit is much sturdier on the metal gear than in would be on the plastic, and with all the weight I put in the nose and bombs, I don't have to worry about finding this bird sitting on it's belly after it's plastic gear said "No Mas!" Don't ask how I know...Enjoy and I appreciate any comments you might have.
Another crisp build Juan.
Very sharp.
Wish the 48th scale had leading edge slats,
some nice Airbrushing going on there Juan, a really nice camo scheme
Great Build Well Done!
What Trumpeter makes good kits? No no no you just are magic
Sorry I tried to post a thread about civility over on Hyperscale and it didn't go well, seriously nice swallow man! And I am starting to like Trumpy kits more and more, great build!
well quit trying rob...and leave those pricks over there where they belong
I saw that thread! I absolutely agree with you, but I can't say that I was surprized by the seems that any post on that site takes on a life of it's own just for the sake of trying to have the last word. I like this site, where I can show off my work, warts and all, and at least enjoy the works of friends and other like-minded Builders! At least the kit has been built, or at least smelt and fondled :-)...not torn apart before even being released! I give great credit to the guys who build a bad kit warts and all and tell me what those warts are and how they prevailed (or not!).
meant to say absolutely stunning juan
Nice clean build, great paint scheme.
Good looking build, Juan. I did their two-seater nightfighter version and also found it interesting.
Excellent 262 Juan it looks "warts free" to me
I really like ME 262s, and this is one of the nicest I've seen. If I ever get round to building an aircraft model, then the 262 is somewhere near the top of my list, along with the Meteor, EE Lightning, Hurricane...
Beautiful job on one of my favorite aircraft. That color scheme is really stunning! Your excellent build and observations on the kit makes me think of trying one of these. Thanks for posting.
Beautiful 262 Juan. Did you freehand the camo, it's outstanding.
Thanx Rick! I freehanded this one with my old single-action Paache, at about 15 psi and with the paint thinned down quite a bit. I took my time with this one. This one was the first kit I built after moving back to Indiana.
Freehand, with a single action. Okay I officially hate
You think you can make it down on the 7th?
Beautiful work..
Another beautiful model. Excellent .