1/32 Bf 109G-6 of 8./Jg1, 1944
Here is the kit that got my on my large-scale building bing, the mighty Hasegawa 109G-6! I built this kit very soon after it came out back in 2002 and is still in my collection, along with 2 others I've built since. Yes the kit has a few inaccuracies with a somewhat blunt spinner but it builds easily, the surface detail is outstanding and the choice of color schemes is endless!
I found a set of EagleCals #40 at my LHS back in Albuquerque that had some very attractive schemes, and decided on a colorful bird from 8./Jg1 in 1944. I had the G-14 model as well so I swapped the Erla canopy from the G-14 for this build and used the standard canopy on the G-14, which was another scheme on the same decal sheet and I also built. The paint scheme is standard for Luftwaffe day fighters during the mid-war years, 74/75/ over 76 with extensive mottling, yellow 04 undercowl and a vivid red 23 Reich defense band. All colors are MM. I finished with a sludge wash and some light chipping and weathering to complete the look.
Before applying the decals or the wash I used Future as a glosscoat (and I've been using the stuff ever since!) The decals are just awesome, well printed and in beautiful color, and apply flawlessly. I used a fine brass wire for the antenna lead. I used Future mixed with Tamiya Flat Base (about 40% base to 60% Future to give me a satin finish. I always test how flat the mix is first on an old kit, too much base and you get a dead-flat, almost frosty look.
Even though other kitmakers have joined the fray with their own 109's, the Hasegawa kit is still to my experience the best, because you don't have to do a whole lot of correcting or adding to creat an accurate 'Schmitt. I do have Revell's Erla 109G-10 and I'm looking forward to doing that one and featuring it here as well, but for now, thanx for letting me share!
Very nice build and nice paint work
Beautifully done model and photos too!
Well done G-6 Juan. We want to see more.
They keep getting better. I really like this one. Outstanding.
That right there's a nice 'n...good work!
Great model and great how you put the model into its scenery. What is that red cube wall?
Its actually the back wall of my property in New Mexico! Thanx for your comment!
Great looking 109, your paint job is especially nice.
Beautifully finished Juan, it dont get much better
Well Done
That looks very good, looks very realistic in the pics! I spent some pleasant time in Albuquerque in Jan-Mar 2010, on a flight safety course at Kirtland, went to a hobby shop, the best one in town it seemed to me, can't recall the name? Bought my Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire MkIX there. They always had some great built models on display, near the staff tearoom area. It was a cool hobby shop!
I lived there for 7 great years and I would visit Alb Hobbies at least twice a week. They changed ownership back in 07 but kept the shop going until sometime inlate 2010, when I visited back in Jan 2011 it had closed...best local hobby shop ever! ALlb has a very active modeling community.
Excellent G-6 Juan, love the mottle on the fuselage.
Great build there Juan.
Well done sir.
stunning build
Outstanding build! One just cannot beat the Hasegawa 1/32 109s. Now if they would only do a halfway decent E version...
Thanx to all for the positive comments...Looking forward to posting more!
A beauty, Juan!
Absolutely outstanding.
What a beautiful job you have done. Looks like that is a great kit. How does the Revell 1/32 109 G-6 compare in your estimation? Many thanks!
I haven't built the Revell G-6, nor do I have one in my stash ...yet...so it would not be fair for me to comment without having the plastic in my hands to fondle...from what I have read in other forums the kit is a beaut from a detail standpoint but does have a few issues that need dealt with...such as a multipart main gear leg and a wide variety of inserts to give you as many variant choices as possible. You have choices for cowling, standard or tall tail, different rudders, and main wheels, which I think is great but my experience with inserts usually means the fit is less than ideal. I do have the Revell G-10 Erla and I am very impressed with the level of surface detail and a really nice cockpit, nicer than the Hase pit with crisper detail, and fewer inserts. I have seen reviews of these kits on other websites you might want to check out. For my part I still think that Hase set a high benchmark, and I still have a K-4 and a G-4 to do...
HTH, regards, Juan
What else is left to say Juan? I know! See you Saturday..;-)
Beautiful work Juan. You're right about the Hasegawa 1/32 109 being so good. I just checked my first review of one, done the week it came out, and it's early 2003 (easy mistake to make, the first thing that goes is the mental calendar
Great paintwork on this one, Juan, and I like your photography as well.
Great build Juan. I like the 109 and that's a cracker.
Simply a joy to look at !