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Tom Cleaver
930 articles

Some modeling inspiration

June 27, 2014 · in Aviation · 2 · 524

Neat diorama idea. · on youtube

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

2 responses

  1. Thanks for sharing Tom. Had no idea that such a thing existed. One advantage of a vertical landing aircraft I suppose. Sure beats crashing.

  2. Great video, my wife showed me it yesterday. Never served on Gators so not much experience around Harriers. We did have an H-46 that had to land on a stack of mattresses on Connie once after the pilot tore the gear off on the round down. Not sure why she was making a "running" approach when she did it, but that was something else to see, all those Navy mattresses stacked up and her gently setting that Phrog on top of them.

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