Eduard 1/48 Fokker DVII
This is one I did a while back - my first 1/48 WW1 subject. One of Eduard's (then) new and improved line of WW1 kits. I think it was released in 2005 or so. I recall this one just coming together effortlessly. It was a lot of fun to build and the assembly went quickly. Great cockpit detail and some nice color etch. The real challenge was in the decals. Barely any paint on the exterior of this - just the cowling area, tail, landing gear and struts. I coated the whole thing with Future before applying the decals, and was shockingly impressed with the result. Very minor rigging was done with some stainless steel wire. If you want an intro to WW1 kits, and want to avoid rigging, this is a great one to start with. Another one would be Eduard's Fokker Dr.1. Now I should get back to finishing the stuff on my bench!
Not my area of "expertise" or genre, but an exemplary example nonetheless.
Great Fokker! I built that same kit/scheme but it was destroyed during a housekeeping accident.
Your right. There are a lot of decals here. You handled them admirably.
Very nice.
thanks for the nice comments guys. I just dove in with the decals, not knowing they were supposed to be 'challenging'
I finished a WNW Fokker DVII recently, and thought the wing lozenge decals were much more challenging. I'll spare you posting that one here ! I think this kit really marks Eduard's transition from limited-run maker to 'one of the big boys.' really a great little kit.
100% , good to hear about the quality of this kit !
It looks really cool, Paul, in the way that these WW1 aircraft do. I'm sure you are being very modest in describing your building and finishing skills.
that's very nice of you George. honestly it wasn't too difficult - like I mentioned, the WNW lozenge gave me a real struggle - these were no problem. Lots of Future before and after helped!
Great work!
A very nice job there Paul.
Those decals must of taken time.
Well done mate.
Those darn rib tapes took FOREVER to put on! the rest of it went pretty quickly as the decals are all cut to size, but then had to let the layer of all the lozenge decals completely dry before putting on the national markings, rib tapes, etc.
thanks for the kind words!
This beautiful, I rally admire your skills