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Santiago Hrubisko
42 articles

General Aircraft Limited GAL 49 Hamilcar

August 30, 2014 · in Aviation · · 7 · 1.7K


I would like to share with you the last series done by my father. He decided to continue enlarge our collection with gliders. After doing the Horsas some months ago, it was time for the Hamilcar. We would like to thanks Jed and Alastair for helping us with photos, information and even videos.

It was a huge undertaken and a big challenge for my father since we only had two vacum form kits. He done the others two Hamicar from scratch with balsa wood.

And here are some group photos showing all the Hamilcar together with the Half-Scale Prototype - T-02227/DP226.

All the Hamilcar in the display cabinet

Here are the final photos of each glider.

1) General Aircraft Limited GAL 49 Hamilcar DR854/G. It was used for RATO trials

2) General Aircraft Limited GAL 49 Hamilcar X - LA728 (Powered). It was an attempt to extend the range of the Hamilcar

3) General Aircraft Limited GAL 49 Hamilcar LA 691 901 19

4) General Aircraft Limited GAL 49 Hamilcar 256 used on Operation Varsity. for carrying ammunition. This was the reason of having the yellow tail.

And these are the "yellow wing tips gliders "

Just to show you the building process here are some photos. All of them were done by my father.


Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

7 responses

  1. The epitome of true modeling, sir...your father has a fantastic talent.

  2. Halfway down reading the article I was just about to ask who is making the Hamicalr kit these days, and then I saw the construction pictures. Incredible effort, and need I say that the models look spectacular. Thanks for bringing them here and please forward warmest regards to your father. What's coming next in your project?

  3. Those are some serious modeling skills on display. Outstanding work.

  4. As above comments.
    Fantastic stuff, great skills.
    Well done sir`s.

  5. Santiago,
    My continued compliments to your father and his skills. Thank you for sharing his work with us.

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