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Tony Prince
96 articles

Revell’s 1/32 Bf 109-K4

August 19, 2014 · in Aviation · · 13 · 3K

Pretty much straight OOB. Bf 109s have a great attraction for me because of the infinite variety of camouflage schemes. This is my third in this scale & now I'm waiting for the new G-10 to appear. The build was pretty straight forward; good fit & detail although the kit's decals have a matt finish which is not to my taste, so I used a selection from my spares collection. I had a hard time with the airbrushing this time as the weather here has been very cold (for Australia) & I had to re-do a lot of it, but it seems OK now.

Hope you like it.



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13 responses

  1. A very unique camo job, I don't recall seeing before. I like what you've done, however. By the way, is "Edith" German..? 🙁

  2. Hi Craig,

    Thanks for your comments. Yes Edith is German. We lived next door to a lady of this name who came from Germany for many years. This decal came from the Kagero top colors set for a -G2 & G6, as did the yellow numbers. I confess - I didn't have the correct markings for the camo scheme I wanted, so I substituted. The camo itself may be found in the

    'Bf 109 Late Versions' from MMP Books (p. 104). This is a fabulous reference work as it has many contemporary photos as well as first class profile drawings & a color chart It is not a 'walk around' reference though it does distinguish between various late versions' wings, tails & canopies. If ever you needed an excuse to build more '109s, this is it!

  3. Nice job, Tony. I sometimes go a little blank with 109s as there are so many of them produced (and modelled), but yours has an interesting scheme, and I do like the Ks as a type.

  4. You seem to have overcome the weather and managed to get a good finish on this one, Tony. Where do you keep all these 1/32 models? They must take up a lot of space.

    • It's becoming a problem George. I'm lucky enough to have a dedicated hobby room & SWMBO allows a few extras in a cabinet in the study. Otherwise I just rotate them as the mood takes me. most of these are 1/48, but sometimes something bigger comes along...
      .I pride myself that I can resist everything but temptation!

  5. Great job Tony, cold down under? never mate.
    A lovely Me 109 mate.

  6. Really like this one Tony. Seeing the unpainted section makes me wonder if this was used in the defense of Berlin. Do you know where it served?
    Good work.

    • Hi Al, Thanks for your comments. This A/c is a bit of a hybrid (see confession above) but the paint job was from 'White 8', probably of 9/JG 3 at Leck in May 1945. There are several other A/c with similar 'full depth' brown & green camo from the same period recovered at Wunstorf, Brusterort & Monarchium- Riem. Most seem to have carried black or white side numbers but at least two in my reference book carried yellow & I have used a bit of poetic licence with mine because I couldn't find a white 8 anywhere & don't have the skill to make stencils.

  7. Interesting scheme, and a really nice piece of work Tony. Not much of a 109 aficionado myself, but I do really like the late G's and K's. What kind of paints have you used?

    • Thanks Mike. Colours are:Gunze H423 (Dark Green) for RLM82, Vallejo Model Air 71.043 (olive drab) & Lifecolor UA510 for RLM 81 Braun Violet, Gunze H417 RLM 76 light blue & Lifecolor UA095 Sky for the fuselage under surfaces (noted as RLM 84). Unpainted NMF is Alclad Airframe Aluminium over their grey primer (No black undercoat). The Gunze Luftwaffe camo colours in their H 400 series may be hard to track down now, but both Vallejo & Lifecolor have an excellent range & I am happy with my results with. them.



  8. Tony,
    All I can add is that this is beautiful

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