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1/48 Trumpeter F-100C TuAF Expanded Version

October 11, 2014 · in Aviation · · 19 · 2.6K

This is F-100C finished with Turkish Air Force markings
Built process existing in work on progress section .
Trumpeter kit needs correction on the nose.So I used AMS resin set to correct the shape of the nose.
Cockpit modified by Aires set. But the seat inside the set that I have purchased was not a C seat so I had to replace it a correct one from AMS .
Air speed brake, exhaust and wheels also replaced by Aires goodies.
Painting was done with Gunze Sangyo acrylics. Exhaust area painted with different colors of Alclad.
Decals are from Turquoise decal set except for the stencils. Stencils are from Caracal decal set.
Finally pitot tube replaced by Master 48-040

Happy modelling

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

23 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. That's sharp. I have one of those kits in the stash. Great paintwork!

  2. Outstanding build and pictures, Tolga. Your attention to detail is up to your usual exemplary standards. You're one of the few posters here that really have the talent to bring out the realism in your creations.. Always a treat (and an inspiration) to view your work. Could you perhaps give us a look at your display area(s)? It'd be a real pleasure to see all your talent in the same place.

  3. Great looking model.

  4. Great looking F-100 Tolga, I really like your finish on the "hot section" of the fuselage and the afterburner.

  5. Your Hun is the benchmark by which I will measure mine by, when getting around to build it! SUPERB!

  6. That's stunning that mate, everything about it! The attention to detail on the pre-shading really give the finish realism and depth.
    It's models like this which give me the inspiration to constantly try and improve my own abilities. "Try" being the operative word! If ever get to this standard I will be a happy man.

  7. Great build and presentation,the weathering is great, the effects on the rear fuselage is true to perfect. Its a good idea to use not the kit nose.
    A good inspiration to start a F-100, well done

  8. Superb F-100, congratulations


  9. Great detailing, finish and photography, first class model, Tolga.

  10. Great job on this Sabre, Tolga! It looks like real!

  11. Thanks for the comments.

  12. Love the weathering Tolga! Did you add some brown or black to each color to highlight the panel lines? It looks like more than just pre-shading. (It also looks like some white was added to the colors to bring some fade.) Simply amazing! The treatment of the tail scorching is nicely done as well. You should try it on the 1/32. I'd like to see what else you could add with a little more room to work. Nicely done. Now I need to finish my two seater.

    • Panel lines highlighted by oil paint washing (mixing of black and brown). Yess, panels faded by adding some white and yellow to the original color. Thanks.

  13. Its always awesome to see your models, Tolga - this is another outstanding piece of Turkish aviation. You, sir, are a master at weathering and finishing! Excellent work!

  14. Great job, Tolga. Love the burned paint effect on the afterburner area.

  15. Tonga,
    Beautifully done.

  16. Daaaaaaamn! :

     Your paintwork is spectacular! Love the grime and the fading, not easy to do! You nailed it! Hot sections look great too! This is a contest killer!
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