The Worlds (almost) smallest model. See if you can see it on the first picture….
I'm putting this dio together for a friend. It is a precast base and stone road. I have added a war damaged wall to the background. But where is the model?, see the last image. Most of the time when I do a diorama for someone else I will add a little vignette, or write some graffiti on a wall with my initials. This one came to me out of nowhere.
Too much fun! Oh, It is 1/35 scale.
California Steve
So what time period/location is this diorama to be...? From the looks of that revolver, your choices are limited, aren't they?
Hey Craig, How's it going. My friend is building a German tank from the Africa campaign in WWII. The gun? Probably dropped or lost there years before. Depending on the model you posed on the dio, It could be many different places. I guess even if you placed a shiny 2014 Jeep on the dio it could be a old western ghost town. Those revolvers have been around for many years. You can even buy a new one today.
Take care Craig,
California Steve
Steve I continue to be impressed by your creativity and imagineering skills - your posts are always interesting and unique - thanks and keep 'em coming
Thank you very much Ralph. I guess the flower growing through the old rusty gun could be a statement. I can't wait to see how long my friend takes to find it.
California Steve
Minimalist School I believe..
I think you are right. Let's see. It is a British revolver. I cut it from a sprue. I painted and weathered it and glued in place. Yep! a full on model. .
Thanks Rick
California Steve
I once took a picture of a fake sunflower I laid on an anvil for a high school project. I called it "Anvil in Repose". Unlike you I didn't score any points for my originality lol.
I sure would have liked to seen that Rick. I know I would have given you a A on your project. I know you know where I was coming from with the flower growing through the gun. Oh well, we modelers are sometimes so misunderstood. Sooo, we keep them guessing! Too much fun!
California Steve
Hm, Guns 'n' Roses.
Great Steve, nice Revolver with a nice flower
?! Hopefully the tank matches the quality of the surrounding diorama.
Impressive !
Thank you Bernd. My friend builds really nice armor.
California Steve
Hi Steve, may you can motivate him to post some of his work?
I will ask him Bernd.
California Steve
IMPRESSIVE Steve! Attention to small bits of detail always makes for a WOW moment. Well done!
Thank you Morne, I have to ship it off in a day or so. Built for a friend.
California Steve
What, no bullets?!
That was the hard part loading the bullets. Haa Haa!
Thanks Rob,
California Steve
Really nice. Whats going on the base?
I built this for a friend who does very nice armor. He want a desert looking dio.
Thanks Gregor,
California Steve
Nice looking base, it's almost a shame to cover it up!
Thank you George. These are fun to do.
California Steve
You are up to it again Steve, love it.
Why thank you Simon,
California Steve
I seen it... I seen it... I seen the flower. It's beeutiful.