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Scott Nelson
135 articles

A Productive 2014

December 31, 2014 · in Uncategorized · 23 · 1.5K

Eleven of the 12 models I finished this year. I don't know where that other photo went! Anyway, I met my goal of completing 12 kits this year, the most productive modeling year I've had since I was a kid. For 2015 I plan to at least match my same output but, improve my photos for iModeler. I hope you enjoy and have a great 2015. Happy New Year!

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10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Nice work, Scott...I thought of doing something similar, but it's just as easy to look at everyone's work by clicking on their name (blog). This is still a good idea, though (I think I missed that Meteor somehow).

  2. I completed 3 of 6 new projects that I started this year. But also completed 4 older projects that were well over 3 years old. So I can say that this was the most I was able to get done for many years. So Happy New Year everyone, as in with the new and finish with the old.
    Fly Navy

  3. hi scott martin here I only made two models this year and one was an old lightning kit from the late 70s ... and you have made the same mistake I made lol ... look at your props ... I didn't change mine but I know its there... I wont make the same mistake again ... hope to see more this year

  4. Great output, Scott. The aircraft all in 1/72? Great stuff.
    For me i didn t count my "production" most of my builds stopping for some time in the building process, so its hard to tell what was finished in one year.
    A happy new year to you and all the other imodellers and their families.

  5. Some nice work there Scott, what scale is the lightning?


  6. Great output Scott, nice to see the pics of the year.

  7. Productive year Scott. Like both of the Lightnings. Any goal for 2015?
    I think I got 5 finished & umpteen started. No armor finished in 2014. Need to remedy that.

    • Thanks Al. One goal is to finish the several (4? 8? 10?!) I started in 2014. And again I want to average one a month for the year. We shall see if I can keep it up!

  8. Great modelling Scott, one a month on average is good going!

  9. Wish I could turn out a model every month! I am lucky if I build three per year. Some very nice models Scott. Happy modelling for 2015!

  10. Nice work. You may, however, want to re-check the instructions on that Vampire with regard to the placement of the elevator mass balances.

    • Thanks Tom! Coincidentally, I was rearranging my models last night and noticed those mass balances were in the wrong place. Oh, well. Next time I'll get it right!

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