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Phil Steele
39 articles

1/72 Hobby Boss Mi-2URP Hoplite antitank variant

January 29, 2015 · in Aviation · · 7 · 3.8K

A real quick build on this , only one month. I added some pylon supports, extra rotor head details, along with some light weathering. The national insignia were difficult to apply over the large vents. I used all six of the supplied decals, cutting them so the pieces overlapped to prevent distortion.

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6  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Nice Hoplite, one I need to acquire for my WARPAC collection. Thanks for showing us.

  2. Very neat model, Phil, you've done very well to add that extra detail in this scale.

  3. George took my line...1/72nd scale is definitely too small for me (usually). Nice work.

  4. Great build, on this not so often seen type, and good work with the decals, i guess that was tricky. Looks like painted on !

  5. Nice little chopper there, one of the lesser seen one at that.
    Well done sir.

  6. Great model and awesome painting, and I'm happy to see the Polish Mi2. This URP variant is exhibited in The Polish Aviation Museum in Cracow - just to let you know if you happen to visit Poland ;). Anyway, very good job.

  7. Thanks Lads, all round ! And by the way, those eyes---they are my real eyes !

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