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Fokker F-100 Deutsche BA/ 1/144,Revell

January 5, 2015 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.2K

The time has come when the dust swept under "vitrinas" from the kit (thankfully minimal).

I take my time and some models foto and some of them will be published
here in . ?

The model is made 16 years ago the manufacturer of the already
veteran competitions at home and abroad.
It consists of a box with additional decals for the airline Deutsche BA.
colored with Xtracolor with paint for Deutsche BA.


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8  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Looks good, P.K it seems, it stood the test of time very well

  2. Hello PK,

    As a Dutchmen, it is always good to see the good old Fokker in models representeted. In reality, the F27 and F100 family have a very good safety record. Still flying all around the world.
    The shop has closed done, many of there craftsmen moved to the USA to work by Boeing.

    Your model is an excellent representation of the real machine.
    Job well done.

    The Netherlands

  3. Nice work P.K.
    Good clean lines and a piece of your modeling history.
    Thanks for posting.

  4. You seem to have been building high quality models for quite a while P.k.
    Nicely done.

  5. Nice - just how big IS a 1/144th scale Fokker F-100? (in inches, not those crayt European measurements) - 🙂

    • "...crayt..." ? Dunno where THAT typo came from - I meant "crazy".

      • Hi Craig, I don't know how big this model is, but if you're not sure about metric measurements 30cm is pretty much equal to one foot, hope that helps.

      • Im come from smal town LOGATEC,SLOVENIJA ,EU...
        now i'm living and the capitol city of Slovenia -Ljubljana ..hehe.
        Im build plastic kit 41 year im start and 6 year old boy.
        seriously and competition kit im build 28 last year im a win many medals and Titles I and also the organizer of the scene in Slovenia. .
        Samo Štempihar /P.k

    • Unfortunately, I can only say in Euro I do not have dimensions English.
      length of the fuselage is 24 cm*


  6. Very nice clean Fokker, P.k.

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