Republic P-47D-30 Thunderbolt “Balls Out” – 1:72
Republic P-47D-30-RA Thunderbolt of 509th Fighter Squadron, 405th Fighter Group (France 1945) 'Balls Out' flown by Capt. Milt Thompson.
Kit: Revell 1:72 (04155)
Let me present another classic that I've just finished: fighter-bomber P47 Thunderbolt. Building this model was sheer pleasure. The Revell kit is greatly detailed, parts fit with no need to use any fillers (everything was built out of the box). It only lacks a pilot figure for me, but anyway I think it's a good start for beginners. To be honest, I put my heart into building this model, I spent a lot of time during my Christmas days off and a few on and I'm quite happy with the result, and even happier with what I've learnt about modelling.
P-47D was the most produced variant of P47s - 12,609 built (including the razorback Ds). It was mostly used in the European theatre of war with only a few going to units in the Pacific. Initially they were used as escort fighters, and later as fighter-bomber. This variant (D-30) had some improvements including engine refinements, more internal fuel capacity and the addition of dive recovery flaps. D-30s received a lot of recognition from pilots who nicknamed them "Superbolts" and their contribution in the final Allied victory was huge.
The model presents the "Balls Out" plane which was flown by Capt. Milton William Thompson (1920-1952). He was a veteran of 91 missions during World War II and received many decorations.
It's hard to find any information about Capt. Milt Thompson on the Internet, but some digging was fruitful, I found the copy of "The Evening Leader" (February 12, 1952) with the information about his death - scan attached. If you know any sources or have some information about this pilot, please share - I'd love to learn more about his achievements.
I will be grateful for your comments.
Nice work Lukasz, I like the natural metal finish and the nose art is really cool. I have a p-47 in my stock but I am still working on a bf 109 that to p-47 is going to be beating the c**p out of.
Thanks, the nose arts on all these Thunderbolts were really cool. That's one of the reasons I got interested in them and now decided to build one
A sharp P-47 Lukasz with stand out nose art. Is the nose art on both sides?
No, only one side, the other side is artless.
Good work considering the small-ish scale (at least for MY eyes). Speaking of which, are my eyes deceiving me, or have you painted the propeller blades the same color as the anti-glare panel - or perhaps OD...? I have to admit, I've never seen anything but NMF or matte black props. Were you privy to some "inside information" on the finish for the prop blades? Inquiring minds wanna know.
Well, I must admit I painted the blades according to the instructions which is olive (the same as anti-glare strip), maybe it should be a bit darker olive, but really I'm not sure. Frome B&W photos it's hard to guess so I trusted Revell on this
'Course there were those crazy Japanese guys that painted their props that funky brown color.
Lukasz, good looking Bolt! And kind of you to find that article about the pilot. All the way thru the war, then losing your life during a peacetime flight. Folks like him deserve to be remembered.
Not a criticism, but I'm with Craig, the prop ought to be flat black with yellow tips in my experience (modeling, not ground crew). My two cents worth.
Great choice of markings.
Thanks, yes, for me modelling is sort of paying my tiny tribute not only to these wonderful machines but also to the brave heroes who piloted them, so I appreciate when the manufacturer provides some information on the crew. They always deserve to be mentioned and remembered. As for blades, probably you're right, hmmm... will research more next time
A great looking Tbolt. Like the NMF. I agree with Craig. I think Revell might have it wrong with the prop colour. However, who knows. Maybe the groundcrew did the OD blades for some reason. It is these sort of conundrums that makes our hobby SO interesting! Well done Lukasz!
Congratulations to your very nice P-47, well done love the neat appearance of your build.
Did the same kit some time ago, a lovely well detailed kit. Highlights were
the cockpit, wheel wells and the engine. Details Revell sadly missed on their new F4U kit.
Great build anyway !
Beautiful P-47 very nicely done.
Nicely done Lukasz , never mind the prop, I mainly go with a semi gloss black.
She looks a sweet Jug.
Well done mate
Natural metal finishes are crucial with these later 'D' types and you seem to have it just right.
Good posting, Lukasz, interesting history, some information on the build, and neat photographs, not to mention a fine model!
Thanks for all your comments and kind words. Regarding the blades, it's never to late to fix them and you made me think. I'll try to dig more about the painting of the "Balls Out" and surely repaint them if I got it wrong
Nice P-47! Really like the way you weathered the NMF. I only build 1/72 and love to see well done, detailed and weathered projects.