Wingnut Wings Potpourri
I'm pondering whether I should invest the enormous amount of time that would required to build the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe F.2a. I imagine I will eventually succumb to the temptation. After all, as this collection shows, I have been quite unable to resist the Wingnut Wings siren song in the past. I mean, those Kiwis have a lot to answer for if you ask me
Albatross D.V, Eduard Ritter von Scheich, Jasta 21, September 1917.
Fokker D.VII (Alb), Richard Kraut, Jasta 63, October 1918.
RAF SE.5a 'Hisso', 6th Training Squadron, Australian Flying Corps, October 1918.
Sopwith Snipe, Thomas Charles Baker, 4 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps, late 1918.
Thomas Baker was a bank clerk from South Australia. He was credited with twelve victories, but was shot down by a Fokker D.VII and killed six days before the Armistice.
What an outstanding collection of builds, sir. WNW certainly produces some gems (as do you). It's a shame I really don't have the inclination to build WWI aircraft (simply not my "cup of tea"), because what I've seen, heard & read about this company is all good. Again, very nice work.
Succumb. Do it now!
Your builds are simply first class and the indulgence will not be wasted.
These WW I birds look amazing! Can't wait to see more of them!
Serious collection you have here & every one a sharp build.
Beautiful collection of well done WWI birds, Outstanding
Fantastic collection, beautifully rendered.
Wonderful collection. Well done.
WNW are the mutt`s nuts for WW1 planes as shown here.
A great flight you have there K.J.
Great group of WNW builds!
I am particularly impressed with the paint/weathering job on the Albatross - really looks great! And the double wire rigging on the Se5a - how did you do that? They all look great, but those two really stood out to me. Would love to see what you could do with that Felixstowe!
Hi Paul. Well, my rigging has improved a quite a bit since I made those models. I use Gaspatch turnbuckles and anchor points, which make rigging a (relative) pleasure compared with the alternatives. EZ Line from Wingnut for the German types and RAF Flat Rigging, again from Wingnut, for the British types. The latter looks a bit like rope in photos for some reason, but seems thinner and more metallic in real life.
thanks K.J. I hadn't thought of the RAF flat rigging from WNW - will have to try that.
One more question if you don't mind - how do you attach the rigging lines to the Gaspatch turnbuckles - do you just insert one end in the turnbuckle, and once dry, pull taut and do the other side? I have always run my rigging through a homemade wire loop and then back on itself (through a tube for the turnbuckle). That allows me to tighten it easily, but I am always looking for other and better methods? I understand the EZ line has a little play, so you can stretch it to get it taut? any suggestions always welcome!
Hello again Paul. I used Bob's Buckles turnbuckles on the Albatross, but then changed to Gaspatch turnbuckles and anchor points when they came on the market, and I can tell you that Gaspatch makes the whole process much easier.
As you would expect, I drill a small hole at close to the right angle at the correct location on the plastic. I then dip the end of the turnbuckle or anchor in CA and insert into the hole. (Turnbuckles will tolerate a bit of angle adjustment later on if need be.)
The rigging line is simply threaded through the small hole at the head of the turnbuckle or anchor. Place a bit of CA there with a toothpick while holding the thread at the desired tension. It will 'grab' almost immediately, following which you can cut off the excess with a surgically sharp blade while holding the waste part of the line taught. Trust me on this: the line will then only have about half a millimetre of purchase in the eye of the turnbuckle, but it will be as solid as a rock.
As for the WNW RAF flat rigging and EZ Line, well, both are quite elastic, which makes the task of getting an agreeable tension on the "wire" a no-brainer.
I always attach the anchor points (or, where appropriate, turnbuckles) to the top wing, and then a length of line to each anchor/buckle, before I attach that wing to the struts. Then, when that wing is attached, it's just a simple matter of threading each line through the eye of the relevant turnbuckle on the lower wing or wherever, tension a tad, dab the CA, and snip. It's all quite painless. No, really. In fact, it's so painless that I'm almost disappointed that there's virtually no rigging to be done on the Hansa-Brandenburg W.!2 on my bench at the moment
The Felixstowe! I've seen this built up and it's a remarkable model. I think though that you'll have to meditate and get in touch with your Inner Modeller, you know, the same guy you prayed to save you half way through building the Gotha...
Some nice clean builds and paintjobs and some impeccable rigging on top of that.
Having seen what you can do with these kits I think it would be a shame not to go for that Felixstowe...go on, K.J., do it!
George, I'll do a Felixstowe if you will do one of these:
Beautiful collection. Surprised you haven't done a 'Arry Tate. WNW, the kits that make good modelers look great and great modelers look like masters.
I'm surprised too, Tom. Surprised and disappointed. I went to the Wingnut site a few weeks ago to order one, only to discover that the kit had been discontinued. Even Hannants hasn't got one. Bummer.