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kevin Payne
8 articles

1/72 Gates Learjet C21-A

February 23, 2015 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.1K

This is another one of my vacform Rareplane models I made of the Gates C21-A USAF based at Scott Airforce base

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Amazing model. Vac form + small scale - you are a glutton for punishment!

  2. That build is really well done, Kevin...a nice little gem we don't see very often.

  3. Kevin: That is just pretty!
    Gordon Stevens ought to get an OBE.

  4. I've always been intimidated by vacform kits, and there are some subjects that I'd like to build that I only find in vacform. You're build makes me want to at least attempt one! Really nice.

  5. A lovely model of a sleek airplane!

  6. A different subject on this board is always a welcome sight. The fact that it's a dreaded vacuform kit and appears to be well made indicates that you are a serious contender!

  7. cheers guys, vacforms are fun, sometimes can be challenging but rewarding in the end

  8. I didn't know that the USAF had private jets! Yet another very neat build from you, Kevin.

  9. Kevin,
    Unbelievable, I am totally impressed with your skill

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