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Rob Anderson
206 articles

So long dear friend…

February 28, 2015 · in Sci-fi · · 10 · 1.5K

For those of us us who are Sci Fi fans and raised in the 60s, the original was a benchmark. It ended flames and rocket ships, had social commentary, camp galore and was just plain fantastic for me a young boy growing up in rural Oregon in the decade man landed on the moon. Leonard Nimoy passed today, so I set my Tiger build aside and got out this long stalled Polar Lights Enterprise kit. I think I may build her like the one Leonard is holding on the album cover of his LP (HORRIBLE, good lord man why! 🙂 ) My late brother bought the record new in the 60s, and I inherited it after his passing. Live long and prosper, and I raise a glass of Octopus Ink to your memory!

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10 responses

  1. R.I.P Mr Spock, i like Star Treck very much and "Raumschiff Enterprise" on every Sunday afternoon was a MUST for me as a child/in my youth. The sense of humor in the series and later in the movies was great. The hints to social live
    and to nature conservancy, made this movies outstanding, beam me up !

  2. First DeForest Kelly (Bones), then James Doohan (Scotty) and now Leonard Nimoy...(and then there's George Takei, but we won't go there).
    Thankfully, I have the entire original series in a boxed set of CD's - LLAP.

  3. "Do not grieve Admiral. I've never taken the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?" That scene will be a little harder to watch now. Goodbye Mr. Nimoy.

  4. If you view the giant mutant ant movie "THEM", you'll see a young Army Sargent in the command center scene, Mr. Nimoy got his start in Sci-Fi. His role in Star Trek made him a modern American icon, and I guess "Spock" is a Sci-Fi icon recognized by folks around the world. Rest in Peace, Mr. Nimoy.

  5. Saw some years back a bw western with DeForest Kelley, that was quite strange for me.

  6. Rob,
    Indeed a great series and Spock was outstanding in all regards. My favorite episode was "Omega Glory". RIP

  7. I became a "Treky" through my young son many years ago. It used to come on TV at our dinner time so we all had to watch it. I must admit I became a fan over the years and Have seen all the movies, and even attended a convention where we met several of the stars of the show. Mr Nimoy will be missed.

  8. In the 1990s the series was "re"broadcasted by a german tv station, in an every day, under the week run. I taped this all on video, while at work.
    Friday night was Star Trek night for me, coming home, get me some beers, unload the friends and put out the plug of the telephone.
    Sadly, at some time, the tv station changed their programme and broadcasted sports :-(,

  9. I foresee a Netflix Trek marathon in my future!

  10. Always enjoyed Mr Spock, especially his movie scenes and dialogue. He spoke some great lines as only Spock could do. As when his father asked him if had any message for his mother:he responded, yes, "tell her I'm fine" All Trekkies will miss Mr Spock.

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