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mike redzinak
32 articles

pt-73 from mchale's navy

March 3, 2015 · in Ships · · 7 · 7.3K

this is the revell 1/72nd scale british vosper m.t.b i scratch build the radar mast
and placed a single 50 cal on tripod on the foredeck i had the pt-73 decals custom made by a friend

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7 responses

  1. Cool build! I loved that show when I was a kid and still watch it on one of the retro cable channels when it airs. I got to see the PT-73 on a tour of Universal Studios sometime last century... 🙂

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  2. thank you and that was very awesome article i enjoyed seeing what the 73 looked like before the series

  3. Nice reminder of a bit of TV history.
    Really enjoyed that series as a kid and its humour.
    Great build of this type of boat.

  4. thank you gregg

  5. said on August 14, 2015

    Nice build. Can your friend do another set of PT 73 decals ? I'm working on a pair of Revell 1/72 Vospers. I'm building the 73 and the 116 From McHale's Navy and I have no source for decals.
    Thanks. Mike

  6. Mike R, I'm starting to build my old Revell PT 73 from the TV show and I'm gathering all the various items I'll need to build it. Where did you get the tripod to support the front deck 50 cal gun?

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