RAF Bodney 1940's
Finally have my first Diorama complete . Staff car , Mustang and Pilot from Tamiya, PSP by eduard . More dioramas on the way
Cheers Brian
Finally have my first Diorama complete . Staff car , Mustang and Pilot from Tamiya, PSP by eduard . More dioramas on the way
Cheers Brian
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Awesome as always, Brian.
Great looking P51. I want to make another one too now.
The Mustang is brought to life by the figure and the staff car. It looks very realistic. Well done!
For your first diorama, I must say it is well thought out and executed. Everything is placed just right making your diorama very lifelike and convincing. However, you have a bit too much open space in the area between the port wingtip and the right corner of the base. Maybe add a few more figures, or some 55 gallon drums, or better yet, a jeep (Tamiya makes a great one in 1/48). You might also consider adding some fuel/oil staining to your PSP plating. Otherwise, job extremely well done.
I think I have the same view. Individually, the items are well modelled and nicely presented, but the key to a successful diorama is to create a moment of dramatic focus, rather than simply setting out the items on a neat base. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm still looking for the story here, which I should pick up at a glance, if the dramatic tension is there.
Otherwise, well modelled subjects.
Well, the story as I see it is this, some 19/20 year old kid leaves college to serve his country in the United States Army Air Corp. He makes it through flight training, gets sent to Europe and is issued a P-51B/C Mustang with a high horse power engine and a bunch of guns. He is admiring his mount and is feeling pretty damned good about himself also. That is the story I saw immediately. I just think the whole scene can be greatly improved by just filling up a bit of that empty space.
Kid arrives green from the States to find his own mount with the personal 'HellerBust' veteran marking. Wow! His old man must be Chief of Staff!
As I said, nice builds.
See. You can use your imagination.
Yeah, looking at it, the PSP really needs weathering. Some thin black to "pop out" the detail, lots of scuff marks on the metal (which was originally painted olive drab), oil stains, muddy tire tracks, etc. You really can't dirty up PSP too much. Don't take what I said here as a criticism though, just a critique with the objective of improving something very nicely done. You can do all that I mentioned with brushes, if you've a mind.
Nicely done, Brian
I've always liked Heller's B mustang. this really captures the era
I must be "outta the loop" (or that dreaded CRS is creepin' in again) - I don't think I've ever seen a Blue Nosed Bastard that wasn't NMF. Of course, that's just me starting to type sumthin' without doin' the first bit of research.
That aside, you're layout looks great nonetheless. I'd heed the sage advice of Seamus, however - it's never too late to add some more 'goodies'.
Looks great, I like it.
Nice dio with a great Mustang, love the weathering
You're aware Ed Heller was one of those guys so tall you wonder how they shoehorned him into any fighter he ever flew? So I guess that's his wingman looking at the airplane, yeah?
Really nice diorama - everything has to be to the same quality for a successful diorama, and you have definitely achieved that.
Very nice Mustang, very different. Is this a 1:48 or 1:72 diorama?
Great dio there Brian, though I do agree with the idea that the space could be fill with maybe some drums or such.
And Mike I would say that it is 48 scale judging by the plans etc in the background.
Well done mate.
Very nice I would say it's the calm before the storm when their base was attacked by Gerry