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Nguyen Huy Hoang
17 articles

Thank you Imodeler ! My prize arrived yesterday.

March 6, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 14 · 1.4K

Back home from a horrible and busy day at work, I found a big package in my room . Finally, the wait is over, the stunning prize from Imodeler sent to me by Martin. Thank you Martin for this wonderful prize. Thank you every one for your kind comments, even the picture is not really nice but I believe it does show how big the kit is and how happy I am. The reward is nice and the feeling is so good that I want to win again 😀 is this bad ?

Once again, thank you Martin and all Imodeler members for this awesome moment !

Nguyen Huy Hoang from Viet Nam.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

14 responses

  1. Awesome model, Nguyen...from what I've seen of your past work, this will be a gorgeous build when she's done. Congratulations.

  2. Good on you, Mate! Well deserved.

  3. Nguyen, I know this will be a beaut! Congratulations!

  4. I agree with Seamus, but would say VERY well deserved.
    Congratulations again, Nguyen

  5. I see Nguyen smiling! How wonderful for you and well deserved.
    I think it was from the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark.
    "You have chosen well". Great kit. And I am looking forward to your build.
    I am so happy for you.
    California Steve

    • Close, Steve. It was Indiana Jones Vs. Old James Bond. Wait...I mean The Last Crusade.
      Nguyen, you build some wicked models sir. Can't wait to see how the Bronco turns out!

  6. Well deserved my friend, enjoy this great kit !

  7. From what you done to the other kits, this one will be awesome Nguyen.
    Very well deserved award., enjoy it.

  8. Congratulations mate. Hope it brightened your day. 🙂

  9. Well deserved! Can't wait to see the finished model.

  10. Very nice and congratulations mate 🙂

  11. Congratulations for your prize.

    Best regards, Eric

  12. I love happy endings and new beginnings. Nguyen, will be looking forward to seeing you apply your gifts and talents on this kit. Should be a show stopper.

  13. Thank you all for your kind word. Kitty Hawk OV-10D is their best kit ever in my humble opinion.

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