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*** #44 Piedmont Oldsmobile driven by Sterling Marlin in the 1988 season. ***

April 8, 2015 · in Automotive · 22 · 2.4K

Greetings :
I found these while unpacking my computer related material.

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8  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. That is a serious group of decals. Nicely photographed.

  2. Beautiful NASCAR Olds. Well done!

  3. WAOUH ! really nice car ! and execelent paint job !

    • Greetings:
      The OLDS as well as the DELTA 88 and the 1996 onwards Grand Prix do make very nice models.
      Thank you for your comments.

  4. Really good looking car, can you tell us any more about about the model?

    • Greetings:

      The model is a 1/24 scale Monogram kit.

      The tire suspension on all four post was lowered to better achieve the stance these race cars have.

      The engine was detailed. The wheels had some work done, including wheel weights and the two air valves.

      The tire lettering, except the "GOOD YEAR-EAGLE" were hand painted in a subdued color, avoiding this way a very colorful tire.

      The interior also received work, I will post the pictures when I get too them.

      The white color is RUSTOEUM BRITE WHITE it is enamel based, thinned and applied via airbrush.

      The blue portion was a slight adventure, but a good one.

      I went to a few AIR AGENCIES until I got some pictures of the blue then at the time used by PIEDMONT AIR. I did not rely much on the internet. True one can get lots of pictures, but printing them depends much on the ink, most of the time this degrades.

      Once having the pictures, I proceeded to mix RUSTOLEUM LIGHT BABY POWDER BLUE with BRITE WHITE until getting the color right. The paint was thinned and also applied via airbrush. It to is enamel based.

      I gave it a week to dry, it was then polished, no need to clear it, and decaled.

      Thank you for your comments.

  5. very well done

  6. HI ! thanks for posting this!
    While I am not a model car builder, I do appreciate a well build model of any kind and being from the part of the world where NASCAR is so huge, that it is truly a "way of life" for many people I can say this is one very cool model - thanks for sharing -

  7. Brings back many good memories, Erich...I once had an entire display case filled with NASCAR models of this era, but gave it up for several reasons. Never did have any photos of all my builds, though. Nice work you've done here - hope you find more pics of this genre to share with us.

    • Greetings :
      Craig, I have been modeling since I was five, this is my hobby, my passion, trust me it saddens me to read of your past collection and yet not having any pictures, only your memory.
      Yes I do have more pictures, I will post them when I can.
      Thank you for your comments.

  8. There is still a little bit of space to get a few more sponsors on there! Great build and good detail on the engine.

    • NASCAR mandated (and still does) just what sponsor decals were/are approved and even provided a 'schematic' of sorts as to the exact placement of them all.
      If you look closely at any of the Penske entries, you'll notice that those cars carry only the minimum number of sponsor decals that MUST be displayed. per NASCAR.

    • Greetings :
      Thank you for taking your time to view the pictures.

  9. Fine work and fine decalling there sir.
    Looks OK to me.

  10. DE,
    Excellent. Absolutely gorgeous.

  11. Great build, well done !

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