Zoukei Mura A1-J Skyraider 1/32 Scale
This was the first Zoukei Mura Kit that I built, It depicts an aircraft that flew in Vietnam on Sandy Rescue missions. This kit was so well engineered that all I tried to do was give it a good paint job, add a few wires and that was about that. I hope you enjoy the pictures !.
Outstanding, Marc...I was equally impressed with mine, albeit not as well detailed as yours.
Thanks Craig, I really appreciate the comment, I wanted to make it as a tribute to the brave men who flew those hazardous missions to save a comrade,
A very nice Sandy Spad there Marc, I lie it a lot mate.
Thanks a mil Simon
You've done yourself proud, Marc. Great attention to detail, and a justified focus on the strengths of the kit.
Thanks Rob, it was a great kit to build, just a bit expensive, but well worth it.
I'm sure there was more to the build than you're telling us, Marc, but your paint job certainly brings out the best of it.
Hi George, The kit came together rather well, with the ZM kit I did no scratch building, I does get a bit tedious after awhile, but fun non the less, thanks for the great comment.
Hello Marc...That's a fine Skyraider build, very nicely detailed and good photography too. Excellent airbrush work...Well done.
Thanks Jim, my friend Tappie came over with this huge camera yesterday and took the pics, I will pass on the comment on his photography. Thanks again.
Excellent build Marc. AD's are on my list of favorite airplanes, I really like it when one is done well.
Thanks Terry
Greetings :
Good work on that SKYRAIDER, very nice work on the camouflage .
The weathering looks fantastic.
Thanks for the comment.
Fantasties. My all time favourite!
Dankie Morne, I am starting to run out of space in my display cabinet, its quite a big aircraft and dwarfs the other kits I have in my collection, it was great fun to build and reading the history attached to this aircraft. Dankie.
Awesome build, really nice. You created a real head turner.