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Mladen Janjic
15 articles

MiG 9, A Model 1/72

August 23, 2015 · in Aviation · · 12 · 3.7K

A project that I was working a few months ago. A-Model, short run, terrible for assembly.
I hope you like it;)

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I apologize for the bad English.


Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Nice lookng build.

  2. A short run kit in this small scale and still you made a fine job of it. Good choice of blue background, too, for the grey aircraft.

  3. Well done...well done indeed.

  4. Nice little MiG, especially that AModel models is not an easy ones.

  5. Nicely done model, I am in the process of building the Amodel Tsybin NM1 and the fit is atrocious, the plastic is too thick on the wings and there are no locating pins on the fuselage halves. The front and rear fuselage halves when built join in the middle, not easy with the absence of locating pins. I have also built both versions of the IL 40 from Amodel, the long nose and the short nose but these weren't too bad.

    Regards Tony

  6. You've managed to make a very plain aircraft look interesting. No need to apologise about your English, either! Shame about the U Tube though, I can't get it in China...

  7. First one of these I've seen built, and you did a nice job on it.
    Really different, compared to the following Mig-15.

  8. : ) ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Simple ... yet eye catching, nice work.

  9. good choice kit.

  10. Nice work Mladen! I'm glad to see someone else focus mostly on 1/72. I'm enjoying seeing your builds. Nice finishing work on them all.

  11. Considering what you started with, that's a great job of an Amodel kit.

  12. This is the most difficult models that I made.
    I invested a lot of effort, so I'm very pleased with the result.

    I am glad that you liked.

    Cheers mates 😉

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