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Eric Galliers
12 articles

Thanks Imodeler!

September 8, 2015 · in Aviation · · 16 · 1.6K

Here is the HE-111 H-6 that I was awarded for my Lighting taking out July's Model of the month.

Thanks to Martin and the crew for this excellent prize!


Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

16 responses

  1. Congratulations on the monthly prize (well deserved may I add) and an added congratulations on a very nice display case.

  2. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Well deserved prize, your Lighting model is a model I will long remember. And as Craig mentioned, I second his comment on the display case.

  3. Well done, Eric. I haven't forgotten about showing some images of your
    EE Lightning to a former Lightning pilot at our club. Hopefully, I'm seeing him next week at the September meeting.

  4. enjoy to build this large bird.
    made a few I've seen live is huge.


  5. Well done Eric, I have been watching a build of this bird going on , on another forum, and she is a great kit.
    You have got a nice display cabinets there mate.

  6. Well deserved, Eric, looking forward to seeing it built!

  7. Thanks guys. I am planning on converting it to a HE-111 H-22 and slapping a V-1 Flying bomb underneath it, so it should make for an interesting build.

  8. nice one - congratulations! 🙂

  9. Congrats! Happy building also. I look forward to your H-22.

  10. Eric, congratulations, by the way, I noticed you don't have enough models in your case !

  11. Eric, Bravo!
    Looks like you're gonna need a new case!

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