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Scale Modelworld 2015 models – #10 (Automotive)

November 13, 2015 · in Show Reports · · 7 · 10.1K

Continuing our coverage of the 2015 Scale Modelworld in Telford... Here's the gallery of cars & motorcycle models in the competition.

Don't forget to check all the other parts of this series:

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10  Awesome

68 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. That headline photo actually LOOKS like carbon fiber - any idea how the modeler DID that?

    • Hi Craig yes I thought so too, but now idea how this was done - decal, perhaps?

      • If not an actual piece of carbon fiber, it would almost HAVE to be a decal I would's certainly not painted on.
        It could be "dipped", though. I've seen various other items submerged in a paint solution of a sort for schemes and camo jobs. Maybe someone will see it and have a definitive answer.

  2. Decals for carbon and kelvar .

    Nice avto kit

  3. Great car models! Being involved in racing I've seen quite a bit of carbon and carbon/kevlar hybrid, but am so far unimpressed with the "look" the decals have. Because most carbon fibre panels are resin infused, they have a "depth" that the decals can't match. Also find the weave too large.
    HAving said that, it won't stop me from building F1 cars and the like.

  4. Some incredible models, and feel quite inspired to attempt something in this area. Would be a complete change for me though, no idea how to get some of those finishes.

  5. Many (belated) thanks for these, Martyn, great photographs and terrific models, very inspiring. Bryan/Craig, I'm sure the carbon fibre/kevlar effects are decals, but I've never been convinced either, and still spray mine with a semi gloss black...

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