Spitfire Mk. IX “Early”. Eduard. 1/48 Random Award Gift
Hello Imodeler's addicts
As promised, I just finished the kit I won in april as Random Award.
My choice was for an Eduard's Spitfire as I heard so many positives feedbacks about these kits...
Thank you IModeler for this opportunity to try this little jewel.
Ok, I must admit that since I have build this one, I ordered 4 models from differents Marks
- Another Mk IX but a Late One
- 2 Mk XVI, my favorite
- 1 Mk VIII I'll build under Australian colors
Thanks for watching ans as usual, feel free to comment
No way, already finished? And it's a beauty! A big "like" from me!
"...already finished..." ? It's been six months! You must build awfully slow, Martin.
But as you said, it most assuredly is a beauty. Nice work, Emmanuel - I like it, too.
Thanks Craig
It took me less time for this one because it's a joy to build it...
More usually, It's only 1 model kit a year
I AM a slow builder - average 2 models a year
Well, Martin...you have an excuse for less builds per year what with everything else you have to deal with - unfortunately, I do NOT have an excuse (other than the lack of a stash)...perhaps I could turn out better work if I slowed down too.
Thank you Martin, and Thank you for bringing us IModeler
Nice build Emmanuel, a fine looking Spitfire.
Well done sir.
very nice...i love the bottom
thats a pretty airplane! nice work on the weathering too! great work!
very like you SPITFIRE well painted and build .
Congrats that you dared to leave her quite glossy, Emmanuel.
Every time I have the decals on I tell myself to leave them as they are, but every time till now I've put a flat coat.
Emmanuel, beautifully done! Who doesn't like Spitfires?
Congrats on a beautiful Spitfire. It is always nice to see a Spitfire. Well done!
Great job.
Nice work and finish, that there is one nice work.