The camouflage does a great job of breaking up the shape of the plane. The intake bullet is kind of hard to spot! Does it wrap around the underside as well? Great job on one of my favorite Cold War fighters/civvie sport jets!
Digital madness!
Boy, would I like to see a photo of the paint shop crew getting ready to spray that one!
Wonder how much masking tape that took?
Like that "after"photo of the "turtle" Skoda armored car, only full size, and lots more tape, one suspects.
If it was a windy day, an intensive police call would ensue.
Another stunning build, Lloyd - you are a glutton for "punishment" with those decals, though, aren't ya!
"Decal madness" continues. Looks great.
Indeed...although it DOES seem to be a tad less "confusing" than that F-18 did.
as ya'll can probably tell, I don't like just boring gray
Excellent work Lloyd, I wouldn't have the patience with all those decals
The camouflage does a great job of breaking up the shape of the plane. The intake bullet is kind of hard to spot! Does it wrap around the underside as well? Great job on one of my favorite Cold War fighters/civvie sport jets!
thanks, no just on top and down the fuselage
Digital madness!
Boy, would I like to see a photo of the paint shop crew getting ready to spray that one!
Wonder how much masking tape that took?
Like that "after"photo of the "turtle" Skoda armored car, only full size, and lots more tape, one suspects.
If it was a windy day, an intensive police call would ensue.
there is a link out there of the painting of the splinter camo but I cant find it at the moment
I'm enjoying your builds Lloyd! This one is great. I love the camo, very different.