New Cave
Finally in operational building mode after 2 years of moving, construction and repairing a horrid, inept contractors (lack of) workmanship, I can return to butchering plastic. Already have moved a few things around since these pics were taken a couple of weeks ago. The good news is- I've managed to complete a not-so-hot kitchen table build (Tamiya 1/48 Hetzer) done in temporary dwelling just to keep me from murdering my builder, and am almost done with a little gem I hope to post before years end. (Not much time left- is there?)
Nice paint work on the Hetzer, Stan...but that chair doesn't look too comfortable.
I use an old swivel-type office chair with the back removed. It still has the pump control lever to raise and lower the soft seat, but can but slid back under the table when not in use to save space.
I must say, some of the spaces posted recently are pretty remarkable in range and style, and everyone clearly puts their personal "stamp" on their modelling areas. Although everyone undertakes similar operations, there's clearly no one-size-fits-all mentality. I wonder if it's the case that the modelling environment defines a modeller's style (answers on a postcard please... to Craig?).
Welcome back.
You are off to a good start Stan. As you know better than me these things take time. So let's see. Great tank model (excellent paint job). Paint booth set up properly. Very nice corner display. Good work area. A bit of a model stash above. But I seriously have to ask about your seating. Are you comfortable with the stool? I just looks like it would be stressful to sit there for a while.
Keep building and have a Happy New Year!
California Steve
operational cave!