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Alan Price
48 articles

ICM Dornier 17Z-10

March 19, 2016 · in Aviation · · 13 · 4.3K

Here are a few photos of the new 1:48 Dornier 17 Z-10 nightfighter. This will appear in a full article in MAI in the next few months. I have to say this was not an easy build, from the engine cowling supports being totally wrong, issues with the fit of parts and problems with the instructions, this one fought me all the way!

Well its finished at last and I hope you enjoy the photos!

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3  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Interesting bird, very nice build even with your fit issues

  2. Looks as though you won the "battle", Alan...nice work.

  3. But it looks really good! I see Revell has released a boxing of this, as well.

  4. Neat black finish, Alan, but what's MAI?

  5. It was a fight worth fighting! This DO 17 looks amazing. Can't wait for the MAI article!

  6. Looks like you won the wrestling match! Good looking finish.

  7. Very nice. I built their 1/72 Do-215 several years ago. Pretty much the worst kit I've ever built lol.

    You can read that debacle here:

  8. Very nicely done. I did the 215 last year. The decals were awful as well as the fit.

  9. Beautiful job, With all the problems some ''modern" kits have too bad their so expensive.

  10. Thanks for all the great comments everyone, its much appreciated!

  11. Great build! In 1:48 this bird must be imposing. Is that a Spanner device in the nose or a huge searchlight?

    • Hi, thanks for the comment, yes its a fair size! You are correct, that is a Spanner Anlage which is in effect a big Infra red searchlight with the viewer in the windscreen.

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