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Allan J Withers
208 articles

General Dynamics F 111C, A8-132, ARDU RAAF Edinburgh SA 1988.

1/72 , my second F 111, I added cameras, those orange bits on the nose and tail cones, static dischargers, and four AGM 88 HARM missiles, finished in Model Master enamels, kit, Aussie, Roodecal and other decals, Future and Xtra flat. This aircraft now resides at Edinburgh, repainted in this scheme.

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2  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Beautiful job on that paint scheme, Allan...a real eye-catcher!

  2. n0o matter how you look at it, that's a nice looking pig

  3. Very smart, is this the Hasegawa 1/72 kit again?

  4. Nice.. Was this a test ship for the Harm missile ?

  5. I love the scheme on this one! Never seen this before. Quite a loadout, too.

  6. Another great Aardvark! As others have mentioned, I like the paint scheme - have never seen this. Most use to the SEA with black undersides when seen in camo. Very nice!

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