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Bruce Lewerenz
20 articles

IPMS Race City Modelers July Meeting

July 18, 2016 · in News · · 9 · 1.6K

The Race City Modelers had our July meeting yesterday. George Witters gave a demonstration on working with Aves epoxy and John Loner led a discussion on types of adhesives used in plastic modeling. Race City Modelers is entering the club collection category at the IPMS Nationals in Colombia, SC next month with a collection of Movie Monsters theme. Since the Nats is just a couple hours down the road you will see most of there.

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9 responses

  1. Some nice work displayed there, Bruce...the Eagle and the Petty duo caught my eye - I especially like those two builds.

  2. Bruce, did the same guy do all them movie monsters? Nicely done. I like the Merc, too. I actually remember them. Scary thought. You bin SOARing lately?

    • Hi Bernard. The monsters are done by quit a few people, present company excluded! They brought the models to the meeting so one man can take them to the nats to set up all at once. The Merc was build by an 83 year old kid!

  3. Some nice work there!

  4. Very nice turnout.

  5. You guys are obviously enjoying the hobby. I love that 917 in the Gulf livery, a real classic, can you tell me any more about it, which kit, scale, etc?

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