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Allan J Withers
207 articles

Bell UH 1B Iroquois, A2-720, 9 Sqn RAAF Williamtown NSW 1964.

August 30, 2016 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.1K

1/72 , my first Iroquois, I added and modified a few things, finished in MM, Humbrol and Tamiya enamels with X22 over kit and Aussie decals.

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1  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Nice little build, must be a recent addition to the squadron, bein' all shiny and new like that, huh? 🙂

  2. Maybe a little too shiny? But, nice nonetheless.

  3. Nice job! I like the shiny look.

  4. Very nice Allan - pre Vietnam depIoyment I guess, and before the army took over control of the RAAF Iriqouis fleet of course

  5. A shiny and neat little Huey.
    Nice one Allan...

  6. Nice build - I like the scheme - doesn't look like a typical Huey.

  7. Great early Huey, got to get to the two helos in my stash.

  8. Allan, nice to see what they looked like before the shine went away and the markings got smaller and duller. Just a pretty build!

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