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Allan J Withers
205 articles

Bell UH 1N, 96639, USAF Japan.

September 3, 2016 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.3K

1/72 Revell, I modified a few things, finished in MM, Humbrol and Tamiya enamels, altered to suit the kit decals with Future over all.

Reader reactions:

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10 responses

  1. Looks like a staff transport to me. The ones I've seen were usually shiny, like this one. Some enlisted guys probably polishing away on it when it wasn't flying. Makes a nice contrast with the "working" aircraft.
    First of these I've seen Allan, and a nice one.
    Quite a world of whirlybirds you have there!
    Meant to tell you, that Swidlak Polish one? I know a guy who did a parachute drop from one. He was visiting, I suspect zlotys changed hands. He showed me the pictures. I was jealous.

  2. Another stunning addition to the fleet of your "chopper squadron", Allan. Wouldn't mind seeing your display area(s) with all of 'em 'in review'.

  3. Another excellent build, I've seen photos of this bird somewhere.

  4. A nice and neat one Allan. We, the rotor heads, gotta' keep up building;)

  5. Yet another neat and convincing job, Allan.

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