Prize of August 2016
Greetings to all! I received my prize! The prize for the best model of August 2016. This kit from Eduard of the MiG-15. I want to thank the site administration iModeler. Very nice to know that my designs resonate well with you, among those modelers, like myself. I wish you future good, interesting models. Our hobby is very good! Thank you!
Happy mopdelling with this well deserved Prize, Dimitry.
These new Eduard kits in 1:72 are really amazing.
Bernd, Sebastijan, thanks! Kit from Eduard is really great quality. I am very grateful to the site and all the participants for such an unexpected surprise )))
Nice prize, Dimitry...looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
Good luck with the kit, Dmitry. Well done.
Congratulations! Well deserved indeed. Your models are amazing.
Congrats! Well deserved, and I look forward to seeing this built (along with all your other new creations)!
Congratulation Dmitry!
Gentlemen, thank you all for the congratulations! I am honored to be with you!
Enjoy the build Dmitry, I am sure that you will do it fine justice sir.
Simon, sorry, I did not understand Your phrase. Can you say otherwise Your idea?
Sorry Dmitry, I meant that you will a great build with it.
Thank you for the compliment))) But it's very loudly. This site has beautiful models and skilled modelers.
Dmitry, well deserved, enjoy!
Dmitry, that model for sure is a very well deserved prize.
We here in this forum have seen your work, I see no reason why we wont see a build on this one, your models are a joy to see. I am sure this one will join your gallery.
Colleagues, thank you! I hope soon I will make one of these planes and show it to you.
Congratulations. Fully deserved!
The Netherlands.
Thank you!
Thank you!