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Grega X
14 articles

Spitfire Mk.IXc – or severe case of AM (aftermarket) syndrome…

November 24, 2016 · in Aviation · · 28 · 6.4K

I admit it. I have it.

We have all been there - drooling over possibly the best plastic kit on the market but when You finally get a hold of it, it's just not good enough. Don't get me wrong - 's Spitfire in 1/48th scale is one of the best kits ever produced, it is just that i am suffering from severe AMS. So I basically bought all the possible aftermarket for it and made my life a bit more complicated.
Well, not really. To be honest, even with all this extra stuff incorporated, it is still a very pleasurable build, it will just take a bit longer to finish it. OK, flaps really test my modelling skills, and cockpit was not really simple to install, but everything else fit like a glove.
At that point You are wondering what aftermarket did I use... this:

-Brassin engine, wheels and radio compartment
-Eduard PE set and flaps
-Aires gunbays
- stencils and seatbelts
-DOC spinner and propellers
-Master hispano barrels

I did some scrathbuilding as well - inspection panels were opened and interior of them was creaded using some wires and plasticard. Model is painted it with Mr.Color RAF paints, which sadly are available as a set only and some of the markings were sprayed using home made masks. I always had a Czech spitfire on my mind, so I made one flown by Otto Smik, CO of B Flight, No. 312 Squadron.
Do I plan to build another one? I might, but strictly OOB. If they finally put those anti AMS pills on the market.

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