Delivering the iModeler Award
During the four years of the iModeler monthly contest, we have happily managed to deliver around 100 kit prizes to modelers in all corners of the globe. When Stellan Schroeder Englund was elected the winner of our December award, I realized that this was the first time that the winner comes from the same town that I do. The opportunity to deliver the prize personally was not to be missed!
It ended up with an utterly pleasurable evening chat in our winner's kitchen, over the Guntruck model (which turned out to be just as inspiring in reality as it was in the pictures) and Stellan's chosen prize kit, the Pilot Replicas' 1/48 Saab J29F Tunnan.
Looking forward to see more Stellan's creations soon!
Nice choice!
Yep, finally I had the chance of laying my hands on one.
Congratulations, Stellan...on your prize AND your surprise visitor. Martin could've come to Florida a few months back, but I guess that would've been a bit far for a personal delivery.

Still...tell him he's welcome anytime!
Thanks, Craig! Real surprise to have the Editor himself showing up to lend that special celeb air I´ve been wanting in my kitchen
Nice kit there Stellan, and a personal touch by the big cheese himself.
So, did you have a warming brew or three?
Yes, thank you, Simon. Ehem... promised to keep my mouth shut
Well deserved!
Thank you, Christian, big surprise for me.
Great choice! I built that kit last year and really enjoyed it.
I have been looking at it for quite some time and I hope it is as good as it looks. Thank you.
Congrats ! Now that's service Martin !
Well deserved award indeed, and a great choice to boot.
Many thanks, Louis! Hope to make it justice.
How cool is this? To have the prize dropped of in person! Stellan, I have this kit and although I haven't started it, it's probably safe to say my NeoMega Tunnan may never get finished! I still want their J-21 and hope they also will offer the 21R. Congratulations and have fun!
Very cool indeed! Guess there are many models never being built after the ultimate one is released. Possibly new decals will be released by Moose republic by the time i get around to build it or I just go for the one with orange dayglo panels.Thank you!
Thank you, George!
Thank you, Roberto!
Congratulations! Good luck in modeling!
Thank you, Dmitry!
That's really great, and congratulations on a fun what if.
Thanks, Tom, really appreciate it. It´s the quick and dirty ones that are the most fun to build.
Very nice! And great call Martin on giving it the personal touch.
Yes, thanks. Martin is Super Ed!
A well deserved kit and a very unique and special manner of delivery.
Hope to see it posted some day Stellan, enjoy!
Thank you, very kind of you to say so. Hope to deal with it in a few months.
Well deserved with a very special delivery service !
Thank you, Bernd. Haven´t got a chimney so Martin had to use the front door.
Nice kit. Enjoy.
My kit I won a few years back came in the mail. Australia is a bit far I guess. Lol.,
Well done, Stellan!
Nice story and a well deserved prize.
Regards, Dirk/The Netherlands.