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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

Hasegawa 1:72 Pz. Kpfw V Panther ausf. G

January 29, 2017 · in Armor · · 10 · 3.2K

Earlier this year I found my stash contained three nice Panzers; Dragon Pzkw III Ausf. J., Dragon Jadgpanther and this Hasagawa . I thought a trio of petite Panzers would be a great addition to my collection. This kit went together well but lacked an overabundance of detail. I tried a camo pattern initially but didn't like how it turned out. So I made it straight Dunkelgelb. I used Tamiya for the basic color, AK for track colors and streaking, MIG chipping fluid and 502 Abteilung oil for more streaks and rust. The dirt is various Vallejo splatter mud colors augmented by MIG pigment powder.

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4  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Wow...1/72nd scale? Nice work, sir.

  2. Another fine build Dennis!

  3. Very nice work especially in that scale.Really like the rust and mud effects.

  4. I agree with these comments above. I wouldn't have known that this Panther was 1/72 had you not mentioned it in the description. The mud and dirt looks convincing! Thanks for sharing this with us.

  5. Weathered like a pro! The tracks and mud are extremely convincing, on top of what is already a sharp build. The rust streaking is fantastic as well.
    Very cool build, even more impressive considering the scale!

  6. Nice little tanks Dennis.

  7. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    A very striking model Dennis, even so when one takes upon consideration it's scale. Nice weathering.

  8. Impressive collection ! I love AFVs in 1:72 scale.

  9. These impressive models would look good in any scale, but especially in 1/72.

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