Sikorsky CH 53 E Super Stallion, 161184, HMN 464 US Marines Aviation California 1993.
1/72 Italeri, I modified and added a few things, brass tube to main rotor, cabin ceiling, wire mesh to air vents, tail rotor drive shafts and gearboxes, finished in MM enamels with Future and MM 30000 acrylic over kit decals.
Now that is how I remember the Super Stallion ...
Very nice job Allan.
Thanks DE4EVER.
Nice build, if we could just get you to modify your
Thanks Craig.
Nice work, nice to see some heavy lift helo's this week. Your narrative is fine the images speaks volumes in itself. Keep them coming Allan, thanks for sharing.
Thanks Chuck, as they say, a picture's worth a thousand words.
The Jeep is a cool addition. It gives something to judge the size of this by. They are pretty big in real life. I watched several fly low right off shore several years ago. It was impressive. So is your model. Good job !
Thanks Louis.
Fantastic Allan! The wire mesh works really well. Is the model really big or is the jeep really small?
Thanks Richard, both 1/72.
I got a chance to see one during an election year and it was being used to fly around the press and the president. It was painted in a dark metallic gray. It took up a lot of airspace and was perfect for making that grand entrance when escorted by two presidential VH-60Ns flying escort. Excellent model, like the jeep entering in the back. Two thumbs up.
Thanks Stephen.
Hello Allan,
Nice build of this workhorse of the USMC. (For many more years to come)
Regards, Dirk/The Netherlands.
Thanks Dirk.
Nice 'flying truck'.
Thanks Robert.
Great looking Stallion Allan! I agree that the wire mesh really fits in nicely and adds great detail.
Thanks Greg, I think so too.
A very nice Sikorski, well done !
Thanks Bernd.
Nice detailing work, Allan, I like the shadows of the rotor blades in the first picture, a great effect.
Thanks George.