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Morne Meyer
48 articles

South African Armour, Artillery and AFV’s

January 3, 2017 · in Photo Collections · 15 · 4.3K

Included in this selection of photos are the G-6 Self-propelled Howitzer (Takom is releasing this in 1/35 scale), G-5 Howitzer, Badger Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Elephant MBT, Rooikat (Lynx), Ratel ZT3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle with Anti Tank Missiles, Battaleur self propelled Rocket Launching platform and the Seeker armed with a Mokopa missile similar in capability to the American Hellfire missile.

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35 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Wow! Great pics, I think I feel an urge for a new model. Thank you for putting them up!

  2. Thanks Darren. The Takom 1/35 G-6 looks awesome!

  3. Nice Morne, Good to see some South African stuff for a change.

    Happy New Year Boet.

  4. Reminds me of that saying, "Don't Mess With Texas" - in this case however, South Africa! Again, thanks for the great photos.

    • As you can see Craig the SANDF is big on firepower and the Army is the branch of our Defence Force that is the best armed and most capable to perform their mission. The Rooivalk attack helicopter is integrated with the Rooikat (Lynx) and Elephant tanks in the offensive role and battlefield tactics are specifically tailored for Africa hence the fact that SA has to play a leading role in peace keeping ops in Africa.

  5. Fantastic selection, Morne.

    • Thanks Rob. If you endeavour to build the G-6 Rhino from Takom in 1/35 scale then these photos of the G-6 should come in handy. Interesting fact is the fact that the Elephant Mk II MBT is a derived from old British Centurion tanks used by the SA Army many decades ago.

  6. Morne, thanks for posting these! I've never seen any of them, so it's fascinating. Long way from the Shermans of my yuth! Or M-48s.

  7. Thanks Bernard. I shall post some more of these lesser known military hardware operated by the SANDF and the SA Navy.

    • The Lynx looks awesome.

      • Robert, I fully agree with you. Eight wheel drive monster. Purpose built for African conditions. Four years ago the US Army held a small-scale military exercise in conjunction with the SANDF and of all the SA Army hardware the Lynx, G-6 and Elephant MBT impressed the US Army contingent the most. One of the photos depict some of the US Army officers in front of an Elephant tank.

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Very captivating images Morne, thanks for sharing them.

  9. It's a pleasure! Those that want to build the Takom 1/35 scale G6 Rhino will find photos 1-4 useful.

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