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Tom Cleaver
933 articles

A new modeler joins the club

February 5, 2017 · in Uncategorized · 11 · 1.4K

Grand(est) nephew Nathan has completed the first model he assembled himself - a space shuttle. My birthday present to him. He picked it out himself at the Planes of Fame gift shop yesterday.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

11 responses

  1. Looks better than the first one "I" assembled by myself. 🙁

  2. Welcome to the budding modelist !

  3. Great start! Good luck! ))

  4. Nice choice, and welcome.

  5. Welcome Aboard ! Looks like he did a fine job on his shuttle.

  6. Good luck NICE

  7. Brilliant work Nathan!

  8. Good on ya, Nathan!

  9. Good to see a new recruit, and what looks a great effort! Bring 'em up right!

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