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Allan J Withers
204 articles

de Havilland DHC 2 Beaver, A95-201, RAAF Antarctic Flight, ANARE 1955.

1/72 , I modified a few things, brass wire to propeller shaft, clear sprue landing light, engine cowl and added some antennae and static dischargers, finished in MM and Humbrol enamels with Future over Max and other decals.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. Much, much better than my abortion of the same kit I attempted a while back - nice lookin' Beaver (haven't had the occasion to say THAT in quite a

  2. Allan, this is my favorite plane of this type. Your model is great! AS Craig said, "Nice lookin' Beaver!" (insert drum rim-shot here) LoL!

  3. Another fine build!

  4. Like it! Colorful, and the details you added gave it a nice touch.

  5. Hello Allan,
    Excellent finish on this old workhorse.

  6. It's interesting how some words have different meanings according to which kind of English you speak! Might make an interesting group build, jugs springs to mind... Back to the subject, you've done fine job on this one, Allan, a very welcome addition to this group build I'm sure.

  7. Allan, did the kit mention if the floats were an EDO product?

  8. Don't be silly Robert, they don't even give basic aircraft spec's.

  9. VERY nice, Allan!

    I LOVE the Beaver, especially the floaters. Such a grand aircraft. What a workhorse! I like it so much I had to give it a re-look & comment AGAIN! Ha!

  10. Thanks again Jeffry, this is my third, the other two on wheels and wheels with skis.

  11. Hello Allan, A superb model. Your photos came up on a google image search of A95-201. My father (John Alfred Hollingshead) wintered at Mawson in 1956. Thought you might be interested in some of his slides. Regards, John

    7 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  12. Thank you John, always good to have some nice pic's of the subject modeled, the other pic's are great also.

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